Based on last year’s reports, we witnessed 476,106 people giving their lives to Jesus in person at our live Virtual Gospel Crusades and hundreds of thousands more through the media. We are simply in awe of all that our God is doing. Thank you for making 2022 our best year yet.
“From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
It is because of your partnership that we are able to reach virtually anyone - anywhere - with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since the beginning of COVID, we’ve held over 340 Virtual Gospel Crusades - reaching prisons in Zambia, idol-worshipping villages in Ghana, Taliban strongholds in the Middle East, village after village in Southeast Asia, and now, venturing into villages in South Africa. And it’s because of the Lord’s work through you.
We never thought when COVID began that this virtual opportunity to reach the unreached would open up for us. With hundreds of thousands coming to Christ around the world, it is our desire to put Bibles and Discipleship materials in the hands of all the new Believers in their local language. Through proper follow-up, our heart is that these young Christians can continue to understand who they are as children of God, grow in their purpose and relationship with Him, and fully realize their calling.
Matthew 10:8 says that Heaven is accessible, close enough to touch - yet there are still so many who have not experienced the powerful love of Jesus. Then there are others who have now come into the family of God but need to be discipled and trained. The need and the opportunity is vast. If 2022 has shown us anything, it is that the harvest is plentiful. The nations are ripe with a desire to know their Savior. Jesus said that the laborers are few. This is a uniquely incredible time in history to be a laborer in the harvest. What an honor it is to co-labor with the King of Kings.
Together - village by village - we are winning the world to Christ!
We are relentless in our pursuit to reach those who are yet to hear in some of the world’s most difficult-to-access nations.

$1,547,496.47 Donations Recieved
147+ Crusades Held
476,106 Salvations*
12Million+ Average TV Households
200,000+ Media Salvations
63,283 Bibles Given
1,500 New Micro-churches
7,500 Pastors Trained
56,200 Discipleship Courses Given
* Based on reports received from our local teams. TV reach is reported from King TV alone and is the average number of households that are watching our Discipleship Teachings each week. Media salvations are based on reports from another media partner, Shine Star TV.

56 Crusades
12 TV Crusades
442,548 Salvations
33,183 Bibles Given
25,000 Courses Given
25 Crusades
16,940 Salvations
13,700 Bibles Given
250 Courses Given
15 Crusades
11,200 Salvations
11,000 Bibles Given
20,000 Courses Given
31 Crusades
2,018 Salvations
2,018 Bibles Given
Courses being translated
6 Crusades
400 Salvations
400 Bibles Given
South africa
2 Crusades
3,000 Salvations
3,000 Bibles Given
Kenya, Botswana, Tanzania, Malawi | Currently cultivating relationships and training leaders.
Afghanistan | 12,500 Discipleship Courses were distributed in November for the underground church.
— above photos from 2022
"Of everything we've given to over the last two decades, Matthew10 has had the most tangible and highest impact return on our investment. Dr. Sulack is harvesting souls from some of the most desolate countries in the world. There's no better dollar impact for your giving than backing Matthew 10."
James Traweek, Dallas TX
Chief Investment Officer, Five Talents

Going Granular.
In 2022, by the grace of God, we saw on average 1,304 people profess a new faith in Christ — every single day. Wow, God!
That is a mega-church of salvation, daily. It would take a minimum of six sold-out AT&T stadiums to hold the number of people that came to Jesus in 2022. Let’s go!
In 2022, the average cost to reach each person who reported their salvation was about $2.00. That average includes spending roughly $300k on 56k Bibles, $100k on 55k M10 Discipleship Courses, supporting 80 pastors, and organizing 147 live Virtual Crusades. For context, the average cost per baptism in the mainline American church is about $1.5 million.
We’re told that a middle eastern household typically includes 12 to 14 people (avg. of 13). This means that 12.7 million households actually represent an estimated total of 165 million people who are being consistently exposed to the Gospel message — just through King TV alone. If our entire 2022 budget was allocated only towards this — it would cost less than $0.01 per person to reach and teach them year-round, 6 days a week, in their own home.
2022 was a record-setting year, thanks to the generosity and kindness of our community of supporters. They organized campaigns, used their creativity to raise awareness and funds, became monthly givers, sponsored pastors’ salaries, and fully underwrote operations expenses. We are so grateful to everyone who makes our mission possible!
Trading in earthly treasures for treasures in Heaven!
When Paul Ward began receiving our updates and heard about the growing need for motorbikes in the Middle East he was moved into action. Our pastors in the Middle East need motorbikes in order to reach & disciple all the new believers coming to faith in the remote villages.
As a widower, Paul raised his two children on his own from young ages. One of his favorite joys among the trials that he faced was his passion for all things Dr. Pepper! He was such a steadfast advocate, that in 2015, he was elected President of the Dr. Pepper Club in Texas – and over the years, Paul has been collecting memorabilia items originating back to the founding year of Dr. Pepper.
When the pressing need for motorbikes surfaced through Matthew 10, Paul decided to trade his treasured Dr. Pepper collection for souls in the Kingdom of Heaven. Taking his collection from tradeshow to tradeshow, within a few short weeks, Paul had sold over $11,000 worth of his Dr. Pepper collection and purchased 12 motorbikes for eager pastors, ready to shepherd the new flocks of hungry believers.
What can one person do? One person can change the world — one act of obedience at a time!
What can one person do?
College Sophomore Starts Business out of a Passion to Serve, Give & Go!
“I am overwhelmed with gratitude that the Lord has allowed me as a college student to be his vessel to expand His Kingdom through giving to Matthew 10.
Thanks to spirit-led encouragement from Holly Todd to recognize my God-given talents, I created a business called Styled by Savi, offering professional makeup and hair services. Through obedience and surrender to His purposes, God has multiplied and brought abundance, and I am blessed to give a large portion of my profits to Matthew 10.
Through my giving, I am reminded that I must seek first the Kingdom of God above all else: my friendships, my studies, my sorority, my dance team, and my internships. By his grace, I am counting down the days until I can see firsthand the fruits of my giving in the Middle East and Zambia during our Matthew 10 mission trip this January!”
— Savannah Smith, age 20
Sewing into the Nations