Setting Captives Free 
Spiritually and Physically

The Harvest is our passionate community of monthly donors. This community is massively important to see the mission and vision of this ministry fulfilled!

This faithful support paves the way for our teams around the world to make the name of Jesus known!

Join our dedicated community helping to make this possible, in 2024 we saw:

71 Gospel Crusades
53,619+ Salvations
43,048 Bibles / Discipleship Courses Given Out
277 Families freed

Through local partnerships on the ground and the power of virtual technology, we’re helping open the way for God’s Word to spread far and wide so that virtually anyone, anywhere, can be reached for Jesus. And that’s why we need our monthly giving community, The Harvest.

All of our efforts are locally led. We deploy your donations to the field, where our pastors go to work setting up Virtual Gospel Crusades, following up with new believers, distributing Bibles, planting house churches, and leading families out of slavery.

As thousands of new believers are coming into the church, The Harvest is essential to this cycle. This group of monthly donors enables us to continually support the work of our local teams and the ongoing expansion of the Gospel among unreached nations.