3,500+ Join the Family of God


This past weekend in Ghana was INCREDIBLE! In two previously unreached, idol-worshipping villages, over 3,500 souls surrendered their lives to Jesus!! 

Our greatest needs in Ghana are…

  • Bible & Discipleship books for new believers.

  • Computers, projectors, and screens for our six churches so that we may disciple the believers and leadership.


What God is doing in the prisons throughout Zambia is amazing! 

Our teams are busy preparing for two weekends of crusades in multiple villages this month. 

Our greatest need in Zambia is… we have evangelized almost 20 prisons, but there are 32 more that we are believing to evangelize and set up discipleship in. Pray that God would open doors and pave the way for us to reach these people.

Thank You!

We truly praise God for all of you and covet your prayers. Thank you for jumping in the river with us!



The Harvest is our passionate community of monthly donors. This community is massively important to see the mission and vision of this ministry fulfilled! This faithful support paves the way for our teams around the world to make the name of Jesus known!


Weekend of Crusades in Zambia


Discipleship is Expanding