Over 1,900 Saved in Ghana


1,944 people surrendered their lives to Jesus this weekend in two villages in Ghana! They all received Bibles! We sent one of our trained pastors to plant a church in the area, and 98 attended the first service this morning!

Middle East

Preston, Todd, and Wendie returned from their trip on Thursday, and what God is doing with our partners on the ground is hard to comprehend! 

You can watch video clips of the celebration for the over 600+ people who are now FREE from slavery (click here). They have been given a whole new life!

Thank You

I cannot thank you enough for your continued prayers & support. It’s so wonderful to join together in the mission to see people spiritually and physically set free. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!



The Harvest is our passionate community of monthly donors. This community is massively important to see the mission and vision of this ministry fulfilled! This faithful support paves the way for our teams around the world to make the name of Jesus known!


Miracles in Ghana


Preaching at a Brick Kiln