A Ripe Harvest
When God calls us to plow the field before us, He isn’t asking for perfection—He’s asking for faithfulness. The harvest is plentiful, yet the workers are few (Luke 10:2). It is a call to action, a reminder that the work of the Kingdom requires hands willing to labor, hearts ready to serve, and spirits committed to perseverance.
Across the globe, we’re seeing pastors and believers staying steadfast in their calling. They stand firm on the Word of God, faithfully building His Church, despite obstacles and opposition. Their work is a testimony to the power of obedience—choosing to keep their hand to the plow without looking back (Luke 9:62). We are continually encouraged by our team, who remain faithful to God’s call, pressing forward to fulfill the Great Commission and bring the Gospel to every nation.
Continue reading below to find out what’s been happening with our Matthew 10 teams!
In February, our focus in Zambia has been to spread the Word and strengthen faith.
One weekend, our team distributed Bibles to local believers in Mphandika village, where a church was planted last September. Those who were recently baptized received a Bible, and among them was a woman who once struggled with alcohol addiction and resisted church but has now become a dedicated believer! Praise be to God!
Our team also went to a village, called Mufulira, to monitor the progress of Bible studies following our December training. They distributed Bibles, visited homes where Bible studies have been taking place, and met with discipleship program coordinators. Some of these new believers received a Bible for the first time, which was such a special moment.
In this area, over 30 home churches have been planted since our December crusade. Our team was also able to visit these new churches to distribute Bibles and discipleship materials. We ended our time meeting with about 300 pastors to do discipleship training and additional Bible distribution.
We concluded February by engaging in one-on-one evangelism throughout villages. Our team was able to lead many to Christ, as well as pray for families and those who were sick. We are so encouraged to see hearts being turned to Jesus! The harvest is plentiful – please keep praying for many more to come to Christ and for the Church to grow!
It’s not easy being a pastor in remote villages, and lately, Ghana has experienced an exodus of rural pastors, leaving their small communities for the bigger cities. Pastor Fred and his team made the decision to host a ministry retreat specifically for rural pastors. The purpose of the retreat was to encourage, inspire, and uplift these ministers. Over 30 ministers attended the retreat! The time proved fruitful as these pastors were able to come together to share each other’s burdens, strategize, and lift each other up. There is power in community!
We are so grateful for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are building God’s Kingdom across Ghana! Please keep them in your prayers!
Preston, and a team of two others, are currently on their way to Pakistan, to set over 30 families free from slavery in the brick kilns. On the last trip, we saw God open new doors of opportunity for His Kingdom to advance, and we are looking forward to what He has in store in the coming days.
Currently, we’re on track to set about 30 families free, but we would love to set 30 additional families free, for a total of 60. We will be accepting sponsorships until our team arrives on Wednesday, March 5th. If you would like to jump in and help make this goal possible, click here to give or learn more.
A Call for All
In every corner of the world, God is moving. He is stirring hearts, drawing people to Himself, and expanding His Kingdom. Yet, the need remains great. The fields are ripe, the opportunities are endless, and the call is clear. The question is—will we answer? Will we step forward, willing to sow seeds of faith, hope, and love? Will we labor in the fields, trusting that He who calls us is faithful to complete the work He has begun?
May we be a people that heeds the call, embraces the mission, and remains steadfast in the harvest. The work is not in vain, and the reward is eternal!
Thank You!
Thank you for believing in the mission to set captives free – both physically and spiritually! We believe that God has incredible things yet ahead. To God be the glory!!
Join the Harvest – our passionate community of monthly donors. This community is massively important to see the mission and vision of this ministry fulfilled! This faithful support paves the way for our teams around the world to make the name of Jesus known!