Bee Hives for Jesus
Middle East
Our 485th crusade since COVID was our 200th in Pakistan! 529 received Christ, new bibles, and will be followed up with on a weekly basis for discipleship. Preston is headed around the world once again in April visiting multiple countries as we continue to set slaves free from generational slavery, work with, and encourage our leaders on the ground facing severe persecution. Furthermore, we’re seeking to strategize with the locals on ways to better disciple the new believers in ways relevant to their culture and also serve the imminent needs on the ground.
Through our partnerships on the ground, we are busy preparing for our monthly crusades that begin in April. One of the initiatives is to support all of our new & existing churches and empower them not only with discipleship, but with practical ways they can support the local body, the community at large, and continue to take care of the fatherless, widows, and most vulnerable. One of these efforts has been to provide 30 bee hives to support 23 churches in a region we evangelized last year. We are working with a professional bee keeper who has trained each of the churches. Land has been donated and we already have an outlet to sell honey to Zambia and neighboring African countries. We continue to publish health articles each week in the national newspaper and the response has been amazing! Our desire is simply to reach people that would not typically hear the gospel or come to one of our crusades.
We covet your prayers as we begin our 2024 crusade season this coming weekend. Our focus in Ghana is unreached idol worshipping & satanic villages that have never heard the name of Jesus!
South Asia
God is doing some incredible things in village after village and we covet your prayers! The TV & radio ministry continues to expand into nations around the world and we are simply grateful!
YouTube Evangelism
Coming soon - an update on our newly launched YouTube Evangelism and the people who are a part of boldly proclaiming Jesus as Lord so that as many who will hear and respond will know Him and know Him intimately!
The Harvest is our passionate community of monthly donors. This community is massively important to see the mission and vision of this ministry fulfilled! This faithful support paves the way for our teams around the world to make the name of Jesus known!