Miracles Breaking Out

Zambia & Middle East

We just wrapped up virtual crusade #503 since COVID began!

Jesus overwhelmed us these last few days! From no room to move in a remote village in the Middle East, to over 5,313 saved in Zambia in 3 nights! We saw incredible and spontaneous miracles break out amongst the crowd, such as blind eyes popping open, paralyzed walking, deaf ears opening, and many other signs and wonders.

Thank You!

Our Jesus is truly ALIVE & He graciously welcomed so many to their Heavenly Father! Thank you for standing with us as we share Jesus with the world!



The Harvest is our passionate community of monthly donors. This community is massively important to see the mission and vision of this ministry fulfilled! This faithful support paves the way for our teams around the world to make the name of Jesus known!


Over 2,600 Saved


500 Virtual Crusades