8,800+ Come to Jesus
Zambia & Ghana
We just had the most incredible weekend! Over 8,800 gave their lives to Jesus! Thousands received Bibles and discipleship materials! Because of your partnership, we have conducted 511 crusades since COVID-19 began!
We hosted 3 nights of crusades in Zambia, and each night the people ran to give their lives to Jesus. The power of God was present in a tangible way! So many MIRACLES took place!
We were also in two remote idol-worshipping villages in Ghana, and God moved so powerfully!
Thank You!
Please know how grateful we are for your selfless giving, prayers, and partnership in the Gospel! God is doing amazing things! We covet your prayers, as there are huge needs amongst our partners around the world. We are trusting God for BIG things as we finish out 2024.
The Harvest is our passionate community of monthly donors. This community is massively important to see the mission and vision of this ministry fulfilled! This faithful support paves the way for our teams around the world to make the name of Jesus known!