M10 in the Newspaper
Middle East
Our 196th and 197th Crusades, thousands coming to Jesus each week in this country!! Our next crusades in the remote villages of this country are on March 15th and 22nd, join us in prayer for ears to open God has also made a way for Dr. Pete and his son, Eli, to start a new show called - Conversations, listed on his YouTube channel and being used by two TV Networks in our focus country! Not only that, families in Group 6 have now all been processed and rescued from the brick kilns and are thriving in their new lives!
We are constantly praying for opportunities to reach the unreached. God has opened a new door in the National Newspaper of Zambia to write a weekly health article with an active readership in the millions. We are using this opportunity to reach the English speaking educated to earn their trust to share our Jesus!! Our team on the ground is laying out the crusade calendar through the rest of the year reaching a new village each month.
In Ghana, our partners are diligently shepherding their many team members and new believers. The next crusades are scheduled for March 28th and 29th - we can’t wait to see what God does and celebrate together!
South Asia
In this focus country, we continue to gather in small groups of 20 - 30 people, visiting people behind closed doors or in private alleys. To date we have held 59 of these small crusades since March 2020!
YouTube Evangelism
Coming soon - an update on our newly launched YouTube Evangelism and the people who are a part of boldly proclaiming Jesus as Lord so that as many who will hear and respond will know Him and know Him intimately!