Physical & Spiritual Freedom for Thousands

Middle East

Preston has been on the ground this week with our local teams, working to set 80 more families free from slavery! Hallelujah!

Also during this time, they've spent time celebrating and helping these families find restoration - both physically and spiritually! The stories of God's redemption are amazing!

Zambia & Ghana

6,655 filled out decision cards and surrendered their lives to Christ in Zambia & Ghana! All received either a Bible or discipleship course. We’ve heard so many testimonies of people being delivered from demons, miracles of blind eyes opening, and more. We even had someone doing sign language to a group of deaf individuals in Zambia, and their ears began to pop open! Only JESUS! 

By God’s grace, we have had the privilege of preaching 496 crusades since the beginning of COVID. Our focus has been on new believers, developing leaders, and multiplying the Church. 

YouTube Evangelism

We continue with evangelism and discipleship on YouTube, boldly proclaiming Jesus as Lord so that as many who will hear and respond will know Him and know Him intimately! Last week, Dr. Pete and Eli Sulack had a conversation about Hebrews 4. You can check it out by clicking here.

The rest of our evangelist team is doing incredible things, spreading the Word of God and the hope of Jesus Christ. Check out their YouTube channels below.



The Harvest is our passionate community of monthly donors. This community is massively important to see the mission and vision of this ministry fulfilled! This faithful support paves the way for our teams around the world to make the name of Jesus known!


80 Families Freed from Slavery


Salvation Found in a Remote Village