Thank you for partnering with us to gather your friends, family & coworkers to learn more about the ministry!
Fundraise for Freedom
Starting a digital campaign is easy. Gather your friends, family, or coworkers to partner with you to set captives free spiritually and physically. Our ambition in 2023 is to see one million souls meet Jesus for the first time and set 600+ families free — and you can help!
You just have to decide on an amount and a timeline. Your campaign can fund an evangelism crusade in an unreached village or purchase the freedom of a family in modern-day slavery or buy Bibles for new believers. Or all of those! It’s totally up to you.
Here are a few ideas of what you can raise money for
Fund Gospel Crusades
& Provide Bibles
$1,250 covers the cost of coordinating a crusade and purchasing Bibles for new Christians. In 2022, we received reports of 476,106 people coming to Jesus in person at our Virtual Gospel Crusades and hundreds of thousands more through the media. Wow! Our team has the capacity to triple the number of crusades we did last year.
Set Families Free
from Slavery
$3,750 covers the cost of purchasing a family's debt, new furniture and clothing for every member of the family, a victory celebration, rent for 4 to 6 months along with ongoing pastoral visits as they transition into a new community, and a loader cart to begin their own business! We think that's a solid deal.
Purchase Motorbikes
for Pastors
Our team of pastors planted over 1,500 house churches last year. That’s awesome, to say the least. They visit these house churches every week and motorbikes are crucial components of making this possible as our pastoral team continues to expand and more villages are being reached every week. Each motorbike is only $900. Vroom!
Decide what you want to raise money for and set a timeline goal.
It only takes a minute to set up a campaign. Pick a name for your group and a profile photo so your friends will recognize you. Then write a short note on why this campaign matters to you. That’s it!
Spread the word about your fundraiser and ask your friends to jump in.
Once your campaign is set up, it’s time to get the word out. The more people you tell, the quicker you’ll reach your goal — The more the merrier! You can send out emails and texts, or host an event.
To get started, click the button below and then click “Join the Campaign” at the top.
Share in the joy of seeing your collective efforts come to fruition.
After your campaign is completed, we’ll send 100% of what you raise directly to the field. Then we’ll report back to you about the crusades taking place and families being set free — all year long!